Girl Mode
Kate McGee
(she/her)ON VIEW, JAN 6-7
Sound Stage 1
*Sign-up in lobby
Girl Mode is a VR poem that explores transness as absence.
Girl Mode players will wander a surreal and desiccated VR landscape in search of memories. Combining confessional text, sad girl vibes, surreal visuals, and a walking simulator structure, Girl Mode is a poetic meditation on transness as absence. Genderfull gatherings to follow!
How to make your first VR piece in 6 months [don’t]
Kate McGee
(she/her)SUN, JAN 7 | 11:15 AM - 12 PM (MST)
Media Computer Lab (MIX 228)
A practical introduction to the tools available to the VR curious artist. By the end of this light hearted talk, you too may feel delusionally self confident enough to create an audience ready VR experience in less than a year! [once, again, and for the sake of your health, please don't!
From the Artist
Kate McGee
Soho Rep Project Number One ArtistKate McGee
Kate McGee
Kate McGee
Kate McGee
Kate McGee
Girl Mode was born in a psychedelic flash of trans maternal rage. I imagined that VR technology could simulate a happy trans childhood and build empathy for trans kids in need of gender affirming care. Instead, I found myself meditating on absence as a central texture of my life as a trans woman.
I think of queerness as failure with a sense of purpose and style. Through confessional text, minimal visuals, and walking simulator gameplay, Girl Mode’s players explore a disjointed poetic landscape in search of the one thing a trans body makes nearly impossible, memories.
I want to use technology to explore, expose, name, and maybe even heal the things that keep us apart. I am a "maximal minimalist" and pursue conceptual and visual clarity as a strategy for interrupting the frenetic nowness that keeps us form encountering each other.
Peter Mills Weiss - Sound Designer, Matt Romein - Unreal Engine Consultant, initially developed during a Project Number One residency at Soho Rep in New York City
Girl Mode deals obliquely with themes of gender dysphoria and explicitly with suicidality.
Girl Mode deals obliquely with themes of gender dysphoria and explicitly with suicidality.