8th Wall Hackathon
WED, JAN 3 | 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
SUN, JAN 7 | 10:30 AM - 12 PM
Media Computer Lab (MIX 232)
Create interactive Augmented Reality using Niantic's 8th Wall—win cash prizes!
Sponsored by Niantic (creators of Pokémon Go), this 8th Wall Hackathon invites Worlds in Play attendees to try their hand at building extraordinary interactive XR experiences from scratch. No technical skills or prep necessary! Everyone is welcome to join the hackathon, whether you are an XR newbie or a creative technology wizard. Facilitated by ASU MIX Center faculty member Robert LiKamWa.
Hackathon participants will team up to create stories, games, and experiences using 8th Wall, Niantic's flexible and accessible WebAR platform. Cash prizes will be awarded in the following categories.

This is a two-part hackathon. To compete as part of a team, please plan on attending both parts.
Can’t come to Worlds in Play but still interested in joining the hackathon? Email worldsinplay@asu.edu.